Fine Conference

The Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science is winding down and I am really looking forward to the cocktail reception when today’s poster session ends. There is also going to be a raffle for a Gigapan Epic Pro, so there is still much to look forward to.

It has been a real joy to meet lots of people who I knew only through their work online at, many others whose work I hope to know soon, and all the media people who might be incorporating gigapans into their work. It was tremendous fun to see dozens of members of the gigapan community whom I met 18 months ago at my first Fine Outreach for Science Workshop. I have really enjoyed interacting with many people who are more obsessed with gigapixel imaging than I am.

The proceedings papers are now online at A higher resolution PDF of my paper is here. All the presentations were videotaped, so maybe they will be online at some point so I can see the concurrent talks I missed. [UPDATE: Video of my presentation at YouTube.]

The Prezis for my conference talk and the one for my Fine Outreach for Science talk are available online at These are somewhat sparse in the sense that they are not very self-explanatory, but you might glean something from them if you attended my talks.   Here is the motion bubble chart of my gigapan history that I used in the FOFS Workshop. And here is the kml file of Miss Pixie so you can see the Google Earth verification of the map I made of her locations. Here is a pioneering paper by Adam Dick et al. about mapping trees from 360° panoramas.

Thanks to the GigaPan teams for the tremendous effort they put into this event. It was a huge success.

3 thoughts on “Fine Conference”

  1. As an undergraduate student attending her first collaborative conference, i want to thank you for providing me with an incredibly thought-provoking and inspiring way of look at math. I’d never seen someone create their own formula; I guess I’ve always had the misconception that math is a static known entity. I’m going to have fun reading your paper and revisiting your ideas, hopefully getting inspiration for my upcoming thesis!

    Thank you,
    Sara Neville

    1. Hi Sara,

      I’m pleased that you got so much from the talk; that’s a great compliment. I have added a link above to a publication which describes one of the mapping methods I included in the talk.

      Good luck with that thesis.

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