Sunrise Orchards

We looked into the sun a lot that day.
At midday on Sunday. With a north wind, we looked into the sun a lot that day.
There was good sun and enough wind to loft a camera on both Saturday and Sunday last weekend, and the apples were just starting to bloom. So I knocked on Barney Hodges’ back door and introduced myself. Barney bought a 200 acre dairy farm in 1974 and started planting apple trees. His son runs Sunrise Orchards now, and Barney seems quite content to be in his beautiful old farmhouse in Cornwall surrounded by thousands of apple trees that he planted. He graciously permitted me to fly a kite and take photos, and I did.

I had to go to the top of the hill to find enough wind on Saturday, and took mostly vertical photos, five of which are stitched together below. I was flying the Fled, which is my light wind kite, and it barely lifted a minimal rig with no controls on it. I have lots more vertical photos which I will align into a map eventually.

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

Apple blossom on Saturday, April 29
This is one apple blossom. For a few million more, see below.
Top of the hill orchard
Up behind the house on the top of the hill is the highest orchard. This is stitched from five more or less vertical photos.

On Sunday there was much more wind, still from the north, and Galen and I were able to fly the Sutton Flowform 16 with the full motorized KAP rig. I did most of the flying and Galen operated the radio transmitter and took all the photos. This was his first KAP outing, and he did an incredible job.

Canon S95 hanging below a Sutton Flowform 16 kite
Canon S95 hanging below a Sutton Flowform 16 kite
Canon S95 on a Brooxes KAP rig with pan and tilt servos and radio receiver
Canon S95 on a Brooxes KAP rig with pan and tilt servos and radio receiver

Galen made 514 photos during a two hour flight. Most are vertical shots which I still have to align into an orthophoto, but he also captured many oblique views. All the photos below were taken on Sunday by Galen.

Orchard Operation Central
Orchard Operation Central HQ
View to the south over a few of the larger orchards.
View to the south over a few of the larger orchards. This view is stitched from three photos.

The poster below includes eight photos stitched together into a panorama and four other photos of some important players.

I will add the orthophotos here when I get them put together. We got coverage of only a small part of the orchards, but it should be fun to look at. According to the orchard’s facebook page, the trees are blooming earlier this year than ever before. We had some very frosty nights this week, and I hope the opening flowers were not damaged.

The Hodges farmhouse. I will have to find out when it was built.
The Hodges farmhouse. I will have to find out when it was built.
Hovering over the house.
Hovering over the house. This view is stitched from three photos.
Probably McIntosh?
Probably McIntosh?

The orthophoto mosaic from 35 photos aligned in MapKnitter (currently not displaying correctly?).

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