Below are links to parts lists, and assembly and printing instructions for The KAPtery kits. If you bought a kit or want to print your own parts, this is where you can figure out what to do next.
3D Printing: The files for printing all of the rig designs are open source and available on Thingiverse. Links to these files are with the kit-specific printing guides below. If you print your own Redstone, Titan 2, or Picavet parts, you can order kits (above) with all the additional hardware required.
The printed parts available here are printed on a MakerBot Replicator 1 made available by Public Lab. Most parts are printed in polylactic acid (PLA) and a few are printed in ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene). The parts are designed to be lightweight and to withstand normal flying stresses, but they are not indestructible. If you print your own parts, ensure that settings for temperature, layer height, and extrusion rate are producing solid, well-bonded parts. 3D printing works by extruding molten plastic, and especially PLA has a low melting point. Don’t leave the parts on the dash of a closed car on a hot, sunny day (they won’t melt into a puddle, but they could deform).
Redstone Rig guide
Titan 2 Rig guide
Picavet guide
Pendulum guide